Product Orders: All orders will be shipped in 1-2 business days. Items may only be returned in original packaging, unopened. Customer pays return shipping. Cut fabrics cannot be returned.
Adult Class Registrations: If you cannot attend a class, a refund can be provided ONLY if we are notified in writing via email at least 72 hours in advance, and there is a wait list for the class and your spot can be filled. If your spot cannot be filled, a credit to be used for any future class will be provided. NO CREDIT OR REFUND will be given if we are notified less than 72 hours in advance.
Kids' Class Registrations: Make-ups are NOT permitted for kids' after-school classes. Class sizes and student to teacher ratios are carefully controlled for safety reasons; therefore we cannot add students to alternate classes due to illness or any other reason. If your child cannot attend a full after-school session or camp, a refund can be provided ONLY if we are notified in writing via email at least 72 hours prior to the start of the first class and if there is a wait list for the class and your child's spot can be filled.